Half-Truths: Sensor size and its effect on images
Bigger sensor = “shallower depth of field”
One of the most perpetuated misconception out there- that a bigger sensor will get you a shallower depth of field, i.e. creamier bokehs. Depth of field is determined only by the 2 factors below:
Distance between camera and subject.
Assuming you are using the same lens on both a full frame and APSC, the full-frame sensor will always be able to capture more background because its literally bigger. To capture the same amount of background with APSC, you would have to stand further back. This results in the camera being futher away from the subject, leading to an increase in depth of field. And somehow over time, everyone just believes that bigger sensor = shallower depth of field, which is just … wrong. So why does it matter? Well, I am not sure, but I just think its important that everyone knows the “truth”. But the next misconception, is more than just a rant for sure…
Smaller sensor = “more reach”
A lot of people still think and actively pass on the idea that a smaller sensor, be it APSC or micro four thirds, would give you “additional reach” when shooting.